Baby #1: Sean Kendrick Weidner
  December 12, 2002 4:20pm, 8 lbs. 2 oz. 20 inches
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Day one: Tracy and Lyn.

Observe your Paternity.


Mrs. Weidner and Mrs. Weidner.


Mrs. McGovern and the Mrs. Weidner


Cool high-tech gadgets with IR serial ports on the back!


Medications for neonatal resusciation--not your ordinary heimlich maneuver.


Code blue--this is the button to operate the ice maker.


Infectious Waste, Basura Infeccisosa and Biohazard are opening for Metallica at Roseland this weekend.


These are the cameras in the delivery room with a closed-circuit feed to the waiting room.


This is the biohazard bag which goes under the delivery table to catch hazardous waste rushing out of the birth canal.

And here's the man--Sean Weidner.



He got a major cone-head job.


8 pounds, 2 ounces.


My baby is already on the front cover of a leading pediatric guide.

Shannan--suckin' the sucker.


Mine's the one with the hat.  (in the front).


Joan was so kind to visit us a couple of weeks ago.

Here she has Bianca in a headlock.


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