Grillo's 40'th Birthday Party
(Man, is that guy gettin' old)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.




Charlie Chaplin meets Caddie Shack.


Tee, hee, hee     I'm the designated drunker.


Look into my eye, little girl.


Hank Aaron and some other famous baseball greats made an appearance at G's party.


I bet the fat guy in the picture never played ball in his life.


Clubhouse rules!!!!


J. Glo in the house.



A showing of  DeDefilipilipiliseses.


These were some fine freakin' cookies.


Karaoke silliness.

Image of the beast.


The beer babe, caught on film.  Man, she is one attractive little vixon.  What I wouldn't give to have her.


Mosh loves the Minnie Ball. Minnie is a piece of ass.

Here's the sole win of the season.

Celebrating Glenn's concussion.



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, double mastectomy and spaying below.   Scroll down at your own risk!!!!